Photographing Kids: Tips for Success
Ah… It’s Christmas picture season! Chances are, you’ll find yourself taking some photos over the next few months. Whether they are snapshots while family is in town or a planned photo shoot, we all know it can be a little stressful (especially with kiddos!). Here are a few tips that I’ve learned over the last couple years to help things go a bit smoother.
Make it fun!
Take turns. Have them run to mom, then run to dad. See who can laugh the loudest or make the silliest face. Make sure the person in the spotlight is getting lots of praise. Let them be kids— some of my favorite photos that I’ve captured are of kids running around, picking flowers, or playing in the woods.
Give your kiddo choices (or make sure you have a photographer who does!).
Being told to do a certain thing over and over again can be exhausting for a little one. It helps to switch things up every now and then by offering choices. “Do you want to sit by mom or dad?”, “You can choose to sit or stand”, and “Do you want to hold sister or brother’s hand?” are all great examples.
Don’t tell your kiddos to say “cheese”.
Instead, you can tell your photographer a few of your kid’s favorite tv shows, funny jokes, or just silly things that are said around your house. You have no idea how yelling “Paw Patrol” or “Ew, someone tooted” can get attention and make a little one’s face light up.
And finally, set the tone for your kids.
If you are excited, chances are, your kids will be excited too. And if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed about your photo shoot, talk to your photographer about it! They may be able to put your mind at ease by answering questions, assisting with color schemes, or just being a listening ear.